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Remote Balances


Since BodyTalk and BodyIntuitive Balances are energetic forms of treatment, physical contact with my clients is not absolutely necessary.


Balancing can also be done as a remote treatment, and it is irrelevant in terms of the desired outcome whether it takes place "live" at my office or as a remote balance.


Remote balances are practical and useful if you live far from the practice location or cannot make it possible to be with me on site for personal or health reasons. Since Corona, you can especially benefit from this possibility, because it is uncomplicated from home and can quickly bring about changes & improvements in you.


Remote balances are performed by prior appointment. At the appointed time, we contact each other, discuss the concerns and then you lie down in peace while I perform the remote balance. Afterwards we will talk on the phone and I will give you all the information about the session.

 2023 by Ines Klar - Imprint see "Contact me"

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